This sad history was begun in 1982. Any family, which has arrived on a summer residence, has picked up a kitten. Probably, because of inherent rachitis at him were disproportional small back pads and very short tail; he was nicknamed - Tailless. All summer a kitten were carried, and at autumn, by leaving for Moscow, have thrown. Long could not Tailless realize made. Sat at steps for empty summer residence, waited, occasionally did plaintive miaows. But famine is not an aunt. As we then were almost unique just remaining in village, Tailless has tried to be beaten to us. But at us then reigned Mardouck Alexeevitch.
Cats do not bear at all contenders, and this, with his Siamese blood, was completely unshakable. Everything, that we could - to take out meal to Tailless outside of a site.
However and for us it came time to leave. To take Tailless in Moscow? Yes, In some families lives even some cats. But it already likes whether nursery, whether boarding school. And at us the cat - full (if not main) member of family. He participates in all our businesses, we are divided with him our afflictions and pleasures. Such cat can be only one! And Mardouck never could forgive to us of treason. One day he has managed to be jealous even to a wooden indian elephant.
This Elephant have been brought as a souvenir from Calcutta, and everyone went around it and admired. It was not at all pleasant to Mardouck. When everyone were going on kitchen, from a sitting-room a roar was heard. Mardouck has fallen the good-looker down from a table on a floor and has broken it.
Tailless has remained one near deserted summer residences. So the winter has passed. We come back In the spring and Tailless here as here. How he passed the winter? On terrace we still had something like a self-made couch. It has broken off upholstering and In cotton wool has dug to itself the burrow. Ate apparently mice (them was quite enougð). But winter, cold, loneliness! In the summer Mardouck again did not admit Tailless to the house, but we fed him and the weather stood warm. In the summer have gathered all summer residents and he certainly could somewhere be attached, but here - it was found out most the main: Tailless has decided to be ours cat. It was necessary to me or my wife to leave for Gate and Taillessê was sent us to see off. The fidelity he expressed by all means, accessible to him.
Again winter. Again necessity to make a decision, when in essence it is no choice. Years have run. Unexpectedly Tailless has displayed properties of skilful and ruthless rat-catcher. Not reflecting, he rushed on an animal, by growth nearly it is more than him, and the outcome of the battle was decided per few seconds. He willingly went on tour in neighboring villages and, very many people with pleasure, would leave at itself such professional. But not here was.
By finishing with the rats in the next house he came back in his burrow. And on spring after a joyful meeting with us he was expelled by Mardouck.
At Last to us was possible to persuade to Gena, our bosom friend and local inhabitant to take Tailless to itself. At Genas house was warmly, plenty of rats and mice and Tailless was surrounded by love and care. To him have got antiflux collar and healed battle wounds. At us from soul the stone has felled. Has passed much Years, it became necessary to bury Mardouck. Tailless was attached, and we has taken a very bright kitten Vasilij Alexeevitch (that is me). Like all has decided to mutual pleasure. And here, this spring we receive the message - Tailless has returned. With tremor we waited, as there will be a meeting. On the one hand bald old man on shacking pads and with other - huge ( 5 Kgs) fatten animal. And there was a following: Tailless growled especially and Vasilij has left in a wood drawing in the tail. Since then Vasilij (me) lived in to wood and came only to have breakfast and to have dinner, Tailless has occupied the veranda. We did not let Tailless in the house (Vasilijs patience is not boundless too), and Vasilij came not in the house itself.
Thank God, on a number of circumstances this year we have lived on a summer residence less than month. Had time only to heal Taillesses bald patches.
We are again in Moscow. Gena has sworn to take away Tailless. For the beginning we have delivered a stock of food. At Gena Tailless will be keeping warmly and cosily (saying truth it did not remain there rats and mice). But while he continues to live on empty veranda. Summer residences; stayed neighbors feed him up.
He wants to be ours cat.