How we where expelled from house.

Send by Nikolay Alexandrov

This history happened in the gray June evening. Rainy and drizzle in the street, stuffiness in the underground, nasty on soul - I has sworn this morning with my mother-in-law and my legs did not carry me home. In underground transition at a wall stands a guy in thousand time washed cowboy shirt. In his hands there was a box from candy. From there it was heard many voiced squeak: Meeaowww...Meeaoww... . Probably because my legs did not carry me home, for spend some time, I came nearer to the guy. Six recently born, hardly begun to see clearly, brothers and sisters - breed unique: courtyard-back-fence. A five of them - stripped, tails in the sky. One little lump - gray, weakest, unfortunate, trampled down. - Sell? - Have I asked the guy from nothing to do - being not going to get any squeakier with little tail.
- Yaa ...- he answered gloomily.
- For what price?...
- I do not know. Yet has not sold no one. It would be nice for five...
I precisely remembered, that in my pocket there was unique, three green as a frog.
- For three only this one ...- he poked his finger into the feeble gray.-I wanted to throw out him. Not a tenant!
Imagination immediately depicted me a gloomy picture - in the evening not bought kitten will be throw out on garbage can. Naturally, tree rubles has left to the seller, and a warm sickly little lump, by seizing all claws in my shirt, gauging at my armpit.
The whole road he did not squeaked at all. Probably was cherished ... The closer I approached to the house, the more I understood that to us is to spend the night God knows where, but only not in my own house.
By entering an apartment and not removing a jacket I have passed at once in a distant room and has called the wife.
- What a horror! - she throwed up the hands - you have left from mind! If mum learns about it...
The mum has learned instantly. She could not miss that moment, when shies daughter is whispering about something with a son-in-law. Moreover by retiring in a distant room.
- What is it such a thing? - has she exclaimed menacingly by seeing put out from under my jacket the little gray muzzle with blinked, even watered from bright light eyes - this is the only thing did not suffice to us!
- Good, we shall leave, - said I hardly audible. - Though would you not like to give us some milk?..
The mother-in-law has gone on the kitchen for the saucer. The kitten has appeared on a floor and... Immediately has done a little puddle. My heart has left in heels.
-À-À-À! - cried out the mother-in-law and rushed in bathroom behind a cloth.
The little lump has made what nobody expected from him - hardly the mother -in-law's hand has appeared near the puddle he licked this hand with tiny rough tong. The mother -in - law from unexpectedness sat on a floor.
- The rain is in the street ...- said she hardly audible and absolutely by other vote. -Well let it remain here...till morning!
Since that many days has passed. The gray lump - Dymka - has turned in huge pussy cat. Sleeps only with the mother-in-law. All summer lives with her on a summer residence. Carries to her greasy mice (sometimes directly in bed). Recognizes only her...
Since that day in the house reign peace and harmony. And anybody never expels anybody from a house...